
  • Crisgo - A basic link shortener service in Go, with configurable storage backends
  • Roadie - Setlist management for obsessive nerds using Python, Django, and MySQL
  • Reconciliation - Reconciles position data and transactions for (imaginary) financial accounts using Python
  • Draggr - Draggable Hiccup elements in ClojureScript
  • Rust Trie - A Rust implementation of a weighted trie suitable for use in autocompleters, etc.
  • Translatify (backend) - A translation service using Python, Django Rest Framework, and PostgreSQL
  • Translatify (frontend) - A translation frontend using React
  • Sarcastify - Turns your text into SpongeBob sarcastic text, without any NPM dependencies
  • Advent of Code 2021 - Solutions for Advent of Code 2021