In part 1 of this series I talked about some reasons why I moved from Pinboard to Linkding, as well as some of the migration steps. In this part I’ll talk about some extra requirements I had that necessitated some modifications to the Linkding source code.

Without realizing it, I had come to rely on the creation order of my Pinboard bookmarks as a form of “autobiographical” indexing. I loved seeing how my interests changed (or didn’t!) over time, and how my learning process unfolded. Unfortunately, my solution from part 1 of this series did not preserve the “creation time” value of the entries. Linkding marks the date_added field as read-only; a choice that absolutely makes sense for the normal use case, but breaks my autobiographical index. Thankfully, my desired behavior is easy to patch in!

Modifying the Serializer & Service Link to heading

The Django-side change is thankfully quite small. You can see the change in my Linkding fork, but to summarize:

  • Remove date_added from the read_only_fields for the BookmarkSerializer class
  • Read date_added off of the validated_data, with a default value of None
  • Add logic in the create_bookmark service function to handle the case where we do not provide a date_added, rather than just using now() as the value

Since we already send the date_added field in the PinboardEntry.to_linkding_format method, we don’t need to make any changes to the export script from part 1.

Running Linkding Locally, Importing Into Prod Link to heading

There is another hurdle, however. Because my prod instance is running via Docker, I would need to work with Docker to get my modified branch into a container. Not that this is particularly “hard”, but it seemed like a bit more effort than I wanted. Additionally, I did not want to run my modified code in production beyond the initial bookmark import.

Instead, I decided to run Linkding locally and make whatever modifications I need there. I could then then run the HTTP requests against the local/dev environment. Thankfully the project includes helpful instructions on getting an environment set up locally.

After running the script against my local instance, I now had all of my Pinboard bookmarks imported with their proper creation dates! I just needed to rsync the database file up to my prod server:

rsync -azP /path/to/local_db.sqlite3

Then swap the files & restart the service:

systemctl stop linkding-docker-compose.service

# Always backup your stuff :)
cp /opt/linkding/data/db.sqlite3 ~/linkding_backup.sqlite3

sudo cp ~/local_db.sqlite3 /opt/linkding/data/db.sqlite3

systemctl start linkding-docker-compose.service
systemctl restart nginx

Conclusion Link to heading

I now have my “autobiographical” index back, and can keep growing it! I’ve nearly doubled my bookmark count since I migrated, mostly due to how much easier it is to create bookmarks via the iOS share sheet. I hope these articles help out folks who are looking to make the switch. Thanks for reading!